Art prints

Price of "Fine Art" prints


Printed on fine art paper using very high quality pigment inks and printed in very high definition. Conservation level of more than 100 years, its quality, depth and richness of nuances exceed those of conventional photo printing on silver paper. Natural papers with neutral pH, resistant and high quality, selected by renowned paper makers!

20 x 30 cm50,01 $CA
30 x 45 cm86,49 $CA
40 x 60 cm117,10 $CA
50 x 75 cm152,20 $CA
60 x 90 cm192,02 $CA
70 x 105 cm236,32 $CA
80 x 120 cm294,76 $CA
100 x 150 cm429,36 $CA


Art print on canvas faithfully reproduces on canvas the quality, depth and richness of nuances of the original artwork. Constant attention is paid, whether in terms of color control or respect for the graphic chain.

20 x 30 cm62,64 $CA
30 x 45 cm111,45 $CA
40 x 60 cm152,76 $CA
50 x 75 cm195,62 $CA
60 x 90 cm242,62 $CA
70 x 105 cm294,69 $CA
80 x 120 cm360,32 $CA


Printing on aluminum or "Dibond" presents a particularly contemporary appearance. This highlights the colorful and intense compositions. Fine Art prints are glued to a rigid backing to ensure exceptional durability. Thickness: 2mm. Epaisseur: 2mm.

20 x 30 cm191,19 $CA
30 x 45 cm257,07 $CA
40 x 60 cm322,39 $CA
50 x 75 cm401,97 $CA
60 x 90 cm490,75 $CA
70 x 105 cm589,66 $CA
80 x 120 cm707,64 $CA

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